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  1. Swift Combine's Result.Publisher

    Coming from a background in Java/Android development, I’m fairly familiar with working in RxJava and the reactive style of programming. Without getting into the details of said style, there’s a particular operator you can use called Observable.just(), which allows you to wrap a single value in …

  2. Cross Platform Apps the Hard Way - Part 1: The Idea

    Nowadays, there are many different ways to build a cross-platform app, including React Native, Xamarin, and Flutter, to name a few. These each come with their own pros and cons, but they all serve the same purpose: allowing you to create "native" cross-platform apps relatively painlessly and cheaper than building …

  3. Simple Markdown Goes Dark

    Version 0.7.0 for Simple Markdown brings some major changes to the app. Most notably, and likely most requested, is DARK MODE. With Android Q's built-in implementation coming soon, I figured it's about time to finally get to it. It's something that's been on the roadmap for a while …

  4. Reflecting on my Career

    This month, I've started a new position as an Android Engineer at American Express, and I found myself reflecting on how I got here. I have no college degree, and didn't participate in any coding bootcamp or anything like that, so I figured I'd share my story in case it's …

  5. A Simple Self-Hosted Git Server

    If you're writing code for any purpose, I sincerely hope you are using some kind of source control. I personally am only really familiar with Git, and as such it is my go-to tool for keeping track of my code. Nowadays, there are plenty of hosts for pushing your code …

  6. Spring Boot Config Priorities

    Recently, while working on a job, I ran into an interesting problem with Spring Boot: the configuration files I had defined using the @PropertySourceannotation were being overridden by the file, which I had also defined with a @PropertySource annotation. Why wasn't Spring prioritizing my configuration files correctly …

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