In my post on Progressive Web Apps, I opened by saying that I had always wanted to get into Android development but hadn't "taken the time to learn Java and get to it". So, I decided enough is enough and I want to pursue my goals. I recently read through Donn Felker's 5-day newsletter on how to become a World-class developer, and one of the things he recommends is to write an app, even if it's already been done before, to practice and also to have something to put into your portfolio. (Side note: even if you don't want to be an Android dev or even a dev, I'm sure you can get something out of Donn Felker's blog and newsletter. You should definitely check him out). So, that's exactly what I did. Donn also recommends getting out into the community, whether that be through blogging, Meetups, conferences, whatever. It's not so easy for me to get to Meetups or conferences down here in Mexico, so that leaves me to blog for now.
As part of an initiative to get myself to blog more often, I decided to write a markdown app. The other markdown apps I tried seemed OK, but they all had a thing or two I just didn't like. Either crashing, having confusing or unappealing interfaces, lacking features, or even sending my personal data back home, I felt the need to come up with my own solution. It's currently in a beta state but I finally feel comfortable sharing it (after rewriting it about 4 times over). I still have plenty to learn and I'm sure there are places in the code that could be simplified or improved, so if you have any suggestions then please share!
In addition to getting myself to blog a bit more, I also wanted to get some hands-on time with a few popular libraries like RxJava and Dagger, to name a couple. I listen to the Fragmented podcast and recently signed up over at so I'm always hearing about them but I hadn't yet given them a chance. Another thing I wanted to put into practice was the MVP architecture, since MVC wasn't doing it for me and I really want to work on testing.
Anyways, please check out the app in the Play Store and give me some feedback :)
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