SwiftUI TabView Double Tap Issue

I recently ran into an issue while building an app with SwiftUI where I had a TabView that contained some views that modified their state in an onAppear block. I'm still not sure why, but this caused some strange behavior in that tapping on a tab would immediately return the user to the previous tab, but tapping on the tab a second time would load correctly. Searching for solutions to the problem got me nowhere, but I was able to work around this by making the state changes outside of the TabView's children and passing in the final state I wanted in the constructors, but this of course didn't scale and tightly coupled my child views with the TabView. Just today, I stumbled upon a snippet of code that gave the TabView a Binding variable for the tab selection instead of letting it manage that state internally, and sure enough that solved my issue. You just have to tag the child views with the same data type as the selection variable, like so:

@State tabViewSelection: Int = 0
TabView(selection: $tabViewSelection) {
        .tabItem {  }
        .tabItem {  }

Here's the git commit in my own project where I fixed the issue. If you know of a better way to handle this, please let me know!